The Scouts Adult Training Scheme consists of a range of different training methods and validations. There are online modules, workbooks or training courses that can be accessed to complete training. Validations are completed by Training Advisors. If you believe you can validate a module without completing any training, that is acceptable, but it should be discussed with your training advisor when you complete your 'Personal Learning Plan' (PLP). We advise and encourage all new leaders to complete courses wherever possible as we believe it is the best method of learning, plus it has the added benefit of you getting to meet lots of other new leaders (and a few older ones!) who you can get to know, network with and learn as much from as you can the trainers.
In County we run all the courses you need to complete your validations to become an adult leader. If you hover over the 'Courses' tab above, a drop down menu of all the different courses we offer will appear. Click on the one you need and all the courses we are running, plus dates, times and venues will appear. Click on the one you want, hit the 'Book' button and an online form will appear. Fill in your details and you will be booked on. Our automated system will send you a confirmatory email, as well as an opportunity to add it to any online calender's you may have. We will also send you a reminder email a week before the course. If for any reason you can't make the course please let us know, either by e-mailing our course administrator on, or by using the 'Contact' form on this website. Most of our courses are oversubscribed, so if you let us know you can't attend we can let someone else have your place.